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Wishing You a Blessed Christmas

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Christmas is coming, but where is Jesus? Lippi's busy painting catches the chaos of our world. The painting was begun in Florence by Leonarda da Vinci, but he left it unfinished, having been called to Milan for other work. Eventually, Lippi was hired to finish it. It sounds like our Christmas, perhaps always unfinished. But in God's good grace, we are still blessed by Jesus' Daring Presence.

The painting on the right shows how it was left by

Leonardo unfinished. He never returned to finish

it, perhaps because of the political turmoil in Italy,

as different forces took territory back and forth in

his era. In the far background he actually included

a military conflict going on, while those in the

foreground are intent on worship.

Both his and Lippi’s finished work seem too busy,

with Jesus obscured by all the people and events

going on around him. But maybe Leonardo

intended us to see that although there was turmoil

in his world, he kept making glorious works of art. Perhaps we prefer something more realistic to picture Jesus’ coming, but I think this artistic genius was telling us something about the secret glory of Christ Jesus, a daring prince of peace arriving in a world full of confusion and conflicting powers.        

      Mary Ann and I celebrate with you the love God shows

      in the daring coming of Jesus to be our Savior and Lord.
     Every year we rejoice that Jesus’ coming is the best news

      for the weary, distracted world of which we are a part.
     We hope you will be blessed to spend time with others and

      with Jesus’ blessed presence among you.
     We wish you a blessed and happy Christmas !


Humility note:  When first posted, I erroneously identified the primary artist as Michelangelo - and of course, it was the great Leonardo da Vinci. I love them both !

Adoration of the Magi  -Filippino Lippi  1496


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    Guest Blog - 

    When Things Go Wrong     

              by Mary Ann Hagemeyer

         Recently a few things have not been working out as we had anticipated.  We cancelled our  Thanksgiving plans with the kids  from Grand Rapids because of COVID. Plans for Christmas are on hold for the same reason.  A dear friend died a couple days ago . . .



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