Guest Blog Contributions
When Things Go Wrong by Mary Ann Hagemeyer
Recently a few things have not been working out as we had anticipated. We cancelled our Thanksgiving plans with the kids from Grand Rapids because of COVID. Plans for Christmas are on hold for the same reason. A dear friend died a couple of days ago and his family is grieving the loss of this dear man. This is not the way it was supposed to be! Our kitchen sink was bad and had been removed. The replacement ended out not working out and a new one was to be here on Tuesday but it turns out it will not arrive until Friday! So, cooking and baking are on hold.
In Bible Study Fellowship we are studying Genesis. We’re on chapters 15 and 16. God had promised Abram that he would be a father of many-more than the stars in the sky. Both he and Sarai were very old and it seemed impossible, but they believed God. After years of trying (at least we can assume so) Sarai was still barren. While they had been in Egypt, Sarai acquired a maid, Hagar, and Sarai suggested Abram sleep with Hagar to perhaps produce the heir. Abram agreed and she did indeed become pregnant. Problem solved, right? But now, Hagar taunted Sarai with that fact. Eventually Sarai made life so difficult for Hagar that she ran away. God intervened and told Hagar that she would have a son, Ishmael. But that also became a problem for them and their future generations! So, things did not turn out as they had anticipated.
What do we do in such circumstances? I often attempt to solve the problem on my own as Sarai did. I thought that maybe we could have our Thanksgiving dinner outside? But, then, it’s snowing now and even if it stops it would be cold. Besides, the kids already made other plans. The sink issue? After hours of searching, I found a replacement (I hope) that was available for pick up immediately! Stan went on his way to get it right away. We’re believing God that this may be even better than the original one! And Sarai? In the next chapters we learn she does bear a son, Isaac! God did provide.
So, in these uncertain times right now. I pray you can deal with whatever things go wrong in your life. God has a plan for all this. Perhaps it is that we learn to rely more on Him than on ourselves to solve the things that seem to go wrong. I hope you are having a blessed Thanksgiving!
Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now and don’t get worked up about may happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.
(Matt. 6:34 The Message)
© 2020 Mary Ann Hagemeyer