Luke 7:40-50 Why Is She So Passionate & I Am Not?
Jesus, now you embarrass me, too, with your words, “Do you see this woman?” She is making such a fuss over you. Now you put me on the spot with your little story by reminding me that I have often not made any fuss over you at all. I take your presence for granted. I don’t think I have much to confess, much to be forgiven for. I admit I’m not too excited about worship, I’m not moved very deeply. I am too much like the pharisee.
Today, Lord, I confess that my faith and my action has often been ho-hum. I’ve been on the gospel train so long, I have forgotten what an exciting ride it can be. I hope I can give you a big smile, a hug (in my heart), and sing with real joy the next time I feel your presence. Maybe at my morning devotion time. Forgive me for taking you for granted as an ordinary guest in my life.